Broadcast Timings

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Morning Shift (9:00 AM-12:59 PM)
Afternoon Shift (1:00 PM-5:00 PM)

The morning shift starts with “Dintur Ukti” which means the thought for the day. After that, the weather forecast is telecasted in the programme “Botoror Barta” where projections on regional weather trends are made based on data collected from dependable sources. Anchors also present a very short programme titled “Dintur Porichay” which talks about the particular day which it is dedicated to like Water Day, Earth Day and so and its significance. In the morning shift, headlines of the major local newspapers are read out in the slot “Khobor Barta” which helps listeners to stay updated with the news and current affairs. “Xuvessa Barta” is another interesting programme which not only telecasts birthday wishes that are sent through the radio by avid listeners but also throws light on the birth anniversaries of great personalities or legendary people. There is also a programme named as “Anuvobi Mon” which renders poetry, short stories, Borgeet, food recipies and alike. Educational programmes on various topics related to course of study is also discussed which proves to be very helpful for the learners studying those particular courses. Another popular and important presentation by Jnan Taranga is a Phone-In programme titled “Lora Dhemali” where listeners opinions and perspectives on various issues are exchanged . The second shift begins with a starting announcement followed by songs. After that, various discussion programs are telecasted like animal husbandry, health, disaster management and so on. Educational programmes on the various courses of studies are telecasted. There is also a programme on mathematics named as ‘Gonitor Rengoni” which is often presented in drama format. There is also a slot for Bishnu Rabha Sangeet, Lokageet, Borgeet and Bhupendra Sangeet. The afternoon shift advances to closing part with a Phone-In program where a one-to-one communication is established with the listeners reflecting upon their thoughts on various topics. Lastly the shift concludes with the Jatiya Sangeet “O Mur Aapunar Desh”